Smart City Indore

About Smart City

Smart Cities Mission is an effort by the Government of India to drive India into the age of advancement through economic growth. This advancement rests on the shoulders of India’s cities, which are the engines of economic growth, contributing 63% of India’s GDP, even though only 31% of the population resides in these urban areas.


  • Promoting mixed land use in area based developments–planning for ‘unplanned areas’ containing a range of compatible activities and land uses close to one another in order to make land use more efficient. The States will enable some flexibility in land use and building bye-laws to adapt to change.
  • Housing and inclusiveness – expand housing opportunities for all.
  • Creating walkable localities –reduce congestion, air pollution and resource depletion, boost local economy, promote interactions and ensure security. The road network is created or refurbished not only for vehicles and public transport, but also for pedestrians and cyclists, and necessary administrative services are offered within walking or cycling distance.
  • Preserving and developing open spaces – parks, playgrounds, and recreational spaces in order to enhance the quality of life of citizens, reduce the urban heat effects in Areas and generally promote eco-balance.

Proposed Projects

ABD proposal titled “Rajwada Rejuvenation”, combines retrofitting with redevelopment to improve the core of the city. The components of ABD proposal which include all essential features among other additional features, which are:

  • Transport and walkability: Road development, intersection improvements to ensure walkability and safety through use of street design guidelines for TOD, no-vehicle zone with smart parking & battery operated e-rickshaw, real-time air quality monitoring & Intelligent Transport System (ITS – integration with pan-city proposal).
  • Redevelopment of public land: Compact-high-density-mixed-use, walkable community with slum-housing, affordable housing, shared public open spaces (both neighborhood & sector level), shared parking, 85% built-up to be green buildings, rooftop solar power plants generating 25% of energy demand, rainwater harvesting & its re-use.